Repression in Algerian-Moroccan borders

Amhamid algazlan (South of Morocco)- MAP- The Moroccan army attack against Saharawis and Moroccan demonstrators in the region of Zier near the Moroccan borders with Algeria, resulted many casualties, a human rights reports indicated.

The Moroccan forces violently intervened to prevent demonstrators from passing the borders towards Algeria, protesting Moroccan authorities refuse to respond their political, economic, social rights as well as the Marginalization, the source underlined.

We are not going to give up no matter what the repression, for nearly 35 years we suffered torture, poverty, Marginalization and the looting of our natural resources. It is time for Makhzen regime to realize its illegal occupation and recognizing the Saharawis rights, a protester said. .

A caravan for solidarity with the protesters contains 14 vehicles and 169 Saharawis reached Zeir, where they demonstrated in front of the Moroccan forces, the source

The protesters chanted slogans supporting the Western Sahara people right in self determination, independence and to commemorate 38th anniversary of armed struggle outbreak . they condemned the human rights violating in the occupied Western Sahara.

The act was organized by Group of Departure for Liberty and Dignity " which is under tightly siege for a month.

The group fled on April 28 to protest the Moroccan authorities stalling to respond their political, economic, social rights as well as the Marginalization.

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