اخر الاخبارالمزيد

Greens in EUParliament consider "EU-Morocco agreement renegotiation contradicts European Court decision"

The Greens parliamentary group in the European Union Parliament denounced yesterday the renegotiation of the EU-Morocco association agreemen...
إقرأ المزيد

Renegotiation of EU-Morocco agreements: Bargaining infringes CJEU’s decision

The Green Group in the European Parliament denounced Monday the continuation of negotiations between the European Union (EU) and Morocco aim...
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Human rights activists call on international community to protect Saharawi defenders in occupied Western Sahara

A debate on "human rights defenders" was facilitated by the Saharawi delegation participating in the 36th session of the UN Human ...
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Saudi women driving ban lifted: Euphoria and sarcasm

Barely a week after a senior Saudi cleric said women in the country should not be allowed to drive because they have "a quarter the bra...
إقرأ المزيد

HRW: Myanmar committing 'crimes against humanity'

Human Rights Watch (HRW ) has decried Myanmar's military crackdown on Rohingya in Rakhine State, accusing security forces of committing...
إقرأ المزيد

Myanmar: Who are the Rohingya?

Who are the Rohingya? The Rohingya  are often described as "the world's most persecuted minority".  They are an ethnic group, ...
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Over 3,000 Isis militants killed in Tal Afar: Iraqi General

tasnim) --  Iraq's Rapid Response Forces and Federal police forces claimed the lives of more than 3,000 terrorists during operations to ...
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