Conference on Western Sahara conflict in Spanish city of Alicante

Alicante (Spain) - Arab Maghreb independent press service - The United World Colleges will organize on July 7-11, 2011 a conference about the conflict in Western Sahara.

The conference will focus on the conflict management and resolution strategies of the Western Sahara conflict.

The organizers are aiming to put ideals about peace and international understanding into action through bring university students from Morocco and Western Sahara together to participate in this conference.

The programme will include seminars on leadership, critical portrayal examinations of the events in Morocco and Western Sahara by the media, comparison of the roles of government and non governmental institutions, trust building activities, discussions on social issues, and cultural activities. It also includes a study of conflict resolution models and a development of plans to be put into practice by participants after their return home.

It is intended that participants will initiate active involvement in the management of the conflict through establishing trust amongst all the participants, exchanging personal perspectives on the past and current situation and addressing prejudice, developing skills for conflict management, critically examining the events that led to the conflict and any existing tensions, pursuing new, imaginative and feasible strategies for finding a future of the region Morocco and Western Sahara, aiming to improve the common good of all citizens, exploring ways by which young people are able to take leadership roles and address issues of political and social importance

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