36th Day of Hunger Strike in Rejection of Injustice and Violence in Moroccan Prisons
Agadir - MAP - For over a month since the Saharawi political prisoners Bachri Bentaleb and Chaikh Amidan were forcibly transferred from the Black Prison of El Aaiun into the prison of Ait Meloul south of Agadir, where they are subjected to daily racism and bad treatments.
The two young political prisoners began an unlimited hunger strike since May 2011 against these injustices and abuses of power, and are in their 36th day of fasting.
Interviewed by EM after a visit to their children, the mothers of the prisoners, Ngui Erradi, mother of Bachri Bentaleb, and Fatma Akhrairiz, mother of Chaikh Amidan, said the prisoners appeared exhausted, very ill, and unable to speak. They vomited up blood, and Bentaleb was transferred several times last week at the clinic of the prison in a state of unconsciousness.
Mothers also said that they have been blackmailed by moroccan prison authorities, which have not respected mothers right of visiting their children, unless they ask their children to stop their hunger strike. They are finally able to see their children only ten minutes.
Bachri Bentaleb,was born in 1982, was imprisoned on 22/12/2006 and was sentenced to five years in prison. Amidan Sheikh, was born in 1983, was imprisoned on 07.08.2009 and was sentenced to five years in prison. All both have been accused and with no evidence of attempting to destroy the "treadmill" of phosphate.
This treadmill has more than a hundred kilometers and transports the phosphate extracted illegally by moroccan occupation authorities from Western Sahara Phosboucraa mines in El Aaiun, where it is also illegally carried by ship to foreign countries. This trade is deemed illegal by the UN, because the Sahrawi do not want and wish it, also it is widely reported and known that the profit from this illegal trade goes to moroccan occupation forces, and hinders the decolonization of Western Sahara.
The two young political prisoners began an unlimited hunger strike since May 2011 against these injustices and abuses of power, and are in their 36th day of fasting.
Interviewed by EM after a visit to their children, the mothers of the prisoners, Ngui Erradi, mother of Bachri Bentaleb, and Fatma Akhrairiz, mother of Chaikh Amidan, said the prisoners appeared exhausted, very ill, and unable to speak. They vomited up blood, and Bentaleb was transferred several times last week at the clinic of the prison in a state of unconsciousness.
Mothers also said that they have been blackmailed by moroccan prison authorities, which have not respected mothers right of visiting their children, unless they ask their children to stop their hunger strike. They are finally able to see their children only ten minutes.
Bachri Bentaleb,was born in 1982, was imprisoned on 22/12/2006 and was sentenced to five years in prison. Amidan Sheikh, was born in 1983, was imprisoned on 07.08.2009 and was sentenced to five years in prison. All both have been accused and with no evidence of attempting to destroy the "treadmill" of phosphate.
This treadmill has more than a hundred kilometers and transports the phosphate extracted illegally by moroccan occupation authorities from Western Sahara Phosboucraa mines in El Aaiun, where it is also illegally carried by ship to foreign countries. This trade is deemed illegal by the UN, because the Sahrawi do not want and wish it, also it is widely reported and known that the profit from this illegal trade goes to moroccan occupation forces, and hinders the decolonization of Western Sahara.
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