Muslim Brotherhood deplore Assad Speech

Damascus -MAP- The recent speech of President Beshar Assad is “negative” and “does bring no hope to the Syrian people” said the spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, Zuheir Salem.
Mr Zuheir Salem confirmed Monday in phone call with the Algerian Magazine Echorouk , that President Assad has addressed the nation with a negative manner. “He looked like controlling the universe,” Mr Salem said, adding that “Assad’s speech has not taken into consideration that the country is in chaos, as crackdowns are pursued and thousand people are fleeing to neighbouring countries.”
The activist further mentioned that “I was expecting that Assad to take steps leading to resolve the situation, rather than treating 64 thousand Syrian of criminals.”
As for the call of President Assad for the refugees to return home, Mr Zahir Salem said: “Well, three families have left Turkey and returned to the rebellious northern town of Jisr al-Shughour, but they have been missing, as we have lost contact with them,” wondering “how 10 thousand people could return after this incident?”.
Rebellious soldiers rejected the dirty mission of killing civilians.
He further stated that “the dissident soldiers who fled the Syrian army did so because they rejected to conduct a dirty mission of killing innocent civilians, children and women included;” adding “many of those dissidents were shot on the back.”
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