Palestine: Hamas rejects Fayyad's candidacy as Prime Minister

Weste Bank (Palestine) - MAP - Hamas has rejected the nomination of Salam Fayyad as Prime Minister of the Palestinian transitional government, by its rival Fatah, said Sunday a spokesman for Hamas in Gaza.
"Hamas has already informed Fatah during their last meeting (May 16 in Cairo) its rejection to the appointment of Salam Fayyad to head the new government", told AFP that spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri.
"The appointment of Salam Fayyad in the Fatah central committee of Fatah is an appointment and every head of government must be chosen by consensus and not, obviously, by either party, " said Mr. Abu Zuhri.
The Fatah movement of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas agreed at a meeting of its central committee on Saturday to appoint Mr Fayyad as a candidate for prime minister of the transitional government.
Independent economist who has the confidence of the international community, Salam Fayyad is currently the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority.
Fatah and Hamas will meet in Cairo on Tuesday to discuss forming the next government, as a result to an agreement signed in late April.

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