Campaign for withdrawing international legitimacy from Bachar Al Assad

Syria (MAP) - In a statement reached Friday the Independent Maghreb Press Service, The political committee of the Syrian rebels’ league has declared launch of a campaign to withdraw the international legitimacy from Syrian president Bachar Al-Assad. The Committee called on Muslims and Arabs throughout the world to rally and campaign in solidarity with the Syrian people, calling for expelling the Syrian ambassadors from all Arab countries and exert pressure on their governments so that Al-Assad legitimacy withdrawn. It also considered that the international and Arabic silence and hesitation on taking decisions and positions is a new opportunity for Al-Assad to continue repression and murder.
It expressed thanks to all Jordan people who protest yesterday outside the Syrian Embassy in Jordan to demand the expulsion of its ambassador, calling to continue the daily protest to pressure the government of Jordan to condemn the crimes of Al-Assad in Syria.
It finally urged Syrian Imams to stand by side by side against this murder and repression perpetuated against the unarmed Syrian civilians.

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