"Koum Yaba" in support of the Palestinian cause, the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the rights of the Palestinian people in the Diaspora
Paris (France) - Independent Maghreb Press Service - Actor and director Kassem Istanbouli, preparing to play "Koum Yaba" in a European tour (Madrid and Paris), came round to support the Palestinian cause, the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the rights of the Palestinian people in the Diaspora. "Koum Yaba", a monodrama play, speaks about the suffering of the Palestinian people since year 1948 and until the present day, and is based on the texts of the Palestinian writer Salman Natour. Istanbouli began the performances of this play during the aggression on Gaza, and has brought it to Beirut, to the streets and public squares, in front of U.S. embassy, and to Palestinian refugee camps, as well as to universities of Lebanon and Syria. "Koum Yaba" was also played in support to Gaza Festival in 2008, in the 2010 Earth Day Festival, and in this year anniversary of the Nakba, at Madrid, Spain.
Istanbouli believes in the utmost importance of exposing the Palestinian issue to the West through art and theatre, and the key role of cultural interaction in various fields to communicate the Palestinian cause to the world.
Istanbouli believes in the utmost importance of exposing the Palestinian issue to the West through art and theatre, and the key role of cultural interaction in various fields to communicate the Palestinian cause to the world.
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