IMPA in the anniversary of establishment: impressive results and continuous tender (outcome

Western Sahara - Independent Maghreb Press Agency - IMPA have established in coincidence with the first spark of the wind of change that invaded the Arab region, after the raging popular revolutions of the Arab Spring. It was as a pulse of the Arab street following the details of the popular movement within a continuous coverage of its events. In this regard, it made interviews with peoples participated in those enormous events. We met the foreign journalists who cited the scenes of Gdeim Izik camp in Western Sahara to world. Immediately and in the same month after the outbreak of the revolution in Tunisia, IMPA has been officially launched under the motto: “the truth is not exclusive to any one”. We thus made a promise to ourselves that the credibility, professionalism wand objectivity will characterize all our journalists working for the Agency, whether they are from the Maghreb or the rest of the Arab world and the world. We were able with God's help to establish a space of media included a galaxy of journalists from Morocco and Western Sahara, Algeria, Mauritania, Palestine, Iraq and Tunisia and Egypt, Spain and other nations. And with the help of Allah Almighy, we could establish a media space includes a group of journalists from Western Sahara, Algeria, Mauritania, Palestine, Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Spain and other countries across the world.
This enabled IMPA to broadcast in the four main languages: Arabic, English, Spanish and French and open special files about the Arab revolutions, Arabic wikileaks, human rights, February 20 Movement in Morocco, Gdeim Izik, Palestine the heavens promise and photos.
During the past year, IMPA published 47550 piece of news in Arabic, 9400 news stories in English, 3900 piece of news in French and 1650 news stories in Spanish. In addition, IMPA’s Center for Studies issued about 2775 studies, surveillances, articles and analysis.
It also published about 675 piece of news in the file of Palestine the promise of heavens, 725 in human rights file, 4950 in everything about Western Sahara, terrorism 256, Gdeim Izik 49, Boujdour under fire line 529, Congress of the Frente Polisario 1025 (special coverage), Monarchy in the face of hurricane 725, Wikileaks secret cables 800 and special files 529. As well as a wide range of videos, stand-still photos and interviews.
A Center for Studies has been established hosting Arab researchers and discuss with them the prominent issues, it also conduct surveillances on various files and raised issues.
It also placed an e-mail at the disposal of the visitors and customers to be in contact:

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