Algeria: 767 killed in urban road accidents in 2011

Algiers - Independent Maghreb Press Agency - A total of 767 people lost their lives in 2011 Algeria in 18,467 road traffic accidents in urban areas, against 666 killed in 2010, the Algerian General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) said Saturday.
According to figures released by the communication unit of the DGSN, 18,467 accidents in urban areas in 2011 killed 767 people and injured 21,425 others, against 15,894 accidents in 2010 killing 666 people and injuring 18,173 others.
The number of accidents in urban areas has increased by 2,573 (16.19%), compared with 2011, according to DGSN figures.
Algiers leads with 1,705 accidents (9.23%), followed by Setif and Biskra. The human factor remains the main cause of the accidents (non-compliance with driving rules), with a rate of 94.90%.
Drivers under the age of 40 years are the most concerned by those accidents.

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