in an interview with Turkish TV: Western Saharan preacher critices muslims and arabs passiveness towards Saharawi people
Istanbul -Independent Maghreb Press Agency - Secretary General of the World Associationof Muslim Thinkers and Intellectuals of support to the Saharawi People,Preacher Mahjub Mohamed Sidi, has criticized what he described as “thepassiveness of Muslims and Arabs towards the Arab Muslim people in Saguietel-Hamra and Rio de-Oro,” in an interview with the Turkish TV in the programme “theseven colours.”
The WesternSahara talked about the role played by the Popular Front for the Liberation ofSaguiet el-Hamra and Rio de-Oro, known as POLISARIO, in the Jihad against theSpanish colonialism.
With regardto beginnings of the conflict in Western Sahara, Mr. Mahjub said that as aresult of the dispute that was existed between the crusader colonialism and Islamicworld increased the interest of Spain in the region of Saguiet el-Hanra and Riode Oro (Western Sahara), adding that this “paved the way for the fall of this Islamicland under the yoke of Spanish occupation during the overwhelming wave ofEuropean colonialism in the direction of Africa, Asia and America.
The Saharawipreacher underlined that the Saharawi people faced the Spanish colonizationalone, without the support and assistance from any one, indicating that the Moroccanoccupation, who invaded Western Sahara directly after the departure of theSpaniards, was more brutal and cruel on the Saharawis than the last.
He alsospoke about the severe methods practiced by Morocco, including the constructionof a 2700km military wall dividing the territory and people of Western Sahara,which is embodied more than 120 thousand Moroccan soldiers, 240 Heavy artilleryemplacements, 20 thousands of barbed wires and thousands of armored vehicles, tensof millions of anti-personnel mines, which kill every day the citizens andlivestock in pastoral areas on both sides of the wall. He pointed out to thehumanitarian situation resulted from the wall in dividing Arab Muslim familiesof Western Sahara.
The SaharawiPreacher indicated that his visit to Turkey comes after a tour to severalIslamic regions including Mecca, Medina and Gaza Strip, in order to exonerate disclosureof Saharawi preachers and intellectuals in delivering the message of Saharawipeople, who suffer from the occupation as well as the cruelty of asylum anddeprivation in the absence Islamic and Arab support and lack of the role ofIslamic charitable and humanitarian societies.
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