UJSARIO elects for seat in presidency of the International Union of Socialist Youth

Asunción (Paraguay), April 23, 2012 (SPS) - The Saharawi Youth Union (known as UESARIO) elected Sunday as to a seat in presidency of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), at the IUSY World Congress held from 20-23 April 2012 in Asunción, the capital of Paraguay.
In a statement issued Sunday, the ANC Youth League, former IUSY vice-president, indicated that UESARIO’s occupation of the IUSY Presidium seat will provide a “necessary platform to make the world aware of the plight of the last colony in the world.”
IUSY was found in 1907 as an international youth non-governmental organization with United Nations Economic and Social Council consultative status. It is the biggest political youth organization in the world represents about 150 member organizations from more than 100 countries.
It works for democracy, human rights, youth policy from the perspective of freedom, solidarity and equality.

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