Gdeim Izik activits: Danish Parliament urges government to intervene for fair trial

COPENHAGUE (Denmark)-The Danish parliament urged the government of his country to intercede with the Moroccan government in order to ensure a fair trial for the Saharawi activists of "Gdeim Izik" arrested in 2010 and condemned 2013 by a Moroccan military court to heavy sentences.       
In an appeal to the Danish Foreign Minister, Anders Samuelsen, MP Christian Juhl wondered about the measures taken by his country's government so that Moroccan authorities "ensure a fair trial for the 25 activists of Gdeim Izik group."
He proposed to the Danish government to dispatch observers from Denmark's embassy in Rabat to follow the trial.
Postponed for several times, the trial of the Sahrawi activists opened Monday 13 March before the court of appeal in Sale near Rabat.
The Danish MP drew the attention of the government to the violation by the Moroccan government of the international law in terms of the trial and the detention of Sahrawi activists jailed since 6 years, calling on his country to call Morocco to order.  

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