Polisario Front denouces Moroccan attack against members of Algerian delegation

The representative of the Polisario Front to the United Nations, Boukhari Ahmed, expressed the Polisario Front’s condemnation of the Moroccan physical assault against members of the Algerian delegation, which was witnessed by all delegations, as well as harassments against other delegations attending the UN Special Committee (Committee of 24) on decolonization.

Bukhari Ahmed affirmed in a press statement that this attack against the Algerian delegation was the result of the failure of the Moroccan maneuvers to disrupt the participants in the Conference.

“The Polisario Front condemns this aggressive and irresponsible behavior against the representatives of the United Nations member states at the official meetings. This has made the delegations aware of the grave violations and repression of the Sahrawi population in the occupied territories of Western Sahara,” said the Sahrawi diplomat.

“This is not the first time that Morocco has conducted such maneuvers. The international public opinion and the United Nations Member states cannot be confused. They were a direct witness to the failure of the aggression and harassment against the Algerian delegation and against the friends of the Sahrawi people and international legitimacy,” he added.

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