The "national promotion" at the price of the Saharawi silence.
Friday, June 16th, 2017. In occupied El Aaiun, Mahfouda Lafkir, Zaina Chtouki and El Hussein Naciri demonstrated inside the national promotion filing against the decision of the occupation authorities to freeze their benefit from this Moroccan subsidy.
Under the national promotion of the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior, hundreds of Sahrawis men and women are working in cleaning for a monthly salary of 185 euros. The “cards” distributed according to the free will of the local governor “Wali”, In Western Sahara they distrbiuted them in coordination with local delagates who are military. the employees have no right for vocations , retirement or health care .
In the particular context of occupation and discrimination in hiring , jobs mainly go to Moroccan settlers,For many saharawis this subsidy is the basis of family survival .
The three activists are part of the Saharawi committee of those expelled from their jobs .
On their placards they denounced the policy of impoverishment of the Sahrawis, the systematic plundering of Saharawi phosphates and fishes but also the facilities granted to Moroccan settlers for all aspects of daily life.
Mahfouda Lafkir, mother of 4 children, describes the removal of the benefit of her card as a revenge of the occupation authorities against the Sahrawis who militate for the independence of their countries.
The demonstration lasted an hour, before the police and a Qaid forced the activists to leave.
Equipe Media
El-Aaiun – Occupied Western Sahara.
19 June 2017
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