EU-Morocco fisheries agreement: WSRW welcomes Sweden’s position
(SPS) - The Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW) hailed Friday, Sweden’s opposition to the European Commission’s sought mandate to start negotiations with Morocco for a new fisheries agreement, which includes the Western Sahara territorial waters.
“Sweden’s position seems to have evolved towards one that is more compliant with international law and the CJEU ruling,” said the Coordinator of Western Sahara Resource Watch, Sara Eyckman, cited in the WSRW’s communiqué.
“It is good to see Sweden take a firm position,” Eyckman continued, expressing the hope to see this it “translate into national policy by issuing clear guidance to Swedish companies not to engage in Western Sahara.”
As a reminder, Sweden announced that it will vote against the validation of the European Commission mandate to open negotiations on a new protocol to the EU fisheries Partnership agreement with Morocco, which includes the Sahrawi territorial waters.
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