Polisario condemns Spanish proposal to extend illegal fisheries

Brussels_Acting 'Polisario' Representative to the European Union, Mohamed Beissat, has condemned a proposal by Spain to extend the EU’s illegal fisheries in the waters off Western Sahara, the former Spanish colony occupied illegally by Morocco.

Speaking in Brussels, Mr Beissat said, “We are shocked and disappointed by the announcement yesterday from Spanish Environment Minister Rosa Aguilar that Spain wants the 27 democratic member states of the EU to extend this illegal arrangement between the EU and Morocco.

Not one country in the EU or anywhere else in the world recognises Moroccan claims over Western Sahara

- Mohamed Beissat, 'Polisario' representative to the EU

Mr Beissat recalled the legal opinions from the UN Legal Adviser and the European Parliament’s Legal Service that current fishing by EU vessels in Western Sahara’s waters is illegal. “Any new or extended agreement on current terms cannot cure this basic illegality”, Mr Beissat emphasised.

“The Spanish government, and Minister Aguilar in particular, are effectively choosing plunder over principle, and tarnishing the EU’s reputation worldwide. We cannot rule out the possibility of a challenge at the UN or in the international courts,” Mr Beissat said.

It is becoming ever more likely that the UN security council will deal with the matter as public pressure has increased over the past months since the massacre of more than 60 civilians in the West Sahara by Morocco.

Hollywood actress Cynthia Basinet who took the fight of the Saharwian people in October 2007 to the United Nations where she said:

The Sahawrian people live in a futile faith over their future. Why? They agreed to a UN peace accord over 16 years ago. And for over 30 years, the majority has lived in the most inhabitable outpost of the Algerian Sahara desert. And if for a moment, global warming flashed into your thoughts, imagine it with its severity increased immeasurably for the Sahawrians that are 'free' in the camps. The others live within Morocco's government bounds. They are bound to live with threats, harassment, jailing, and brutal assaults. Once again, why?

More than 60 people got murdered in a massacre by Morocco at the end of last year and yet, the EU is not reconsidering it's position when dealing with the regime in Morocco. It is clear that the EU's human rights pledge only comes into play when Cuba or any other country that decided to live without capitalism is to be criticised.

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