SADR urges AU for intensifying efforts to find "just and final" solution to Saharawi issue
Malabo (MAP) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has called on the African Union (AU) to continue intensifying efforts to push towards a "just and final" solution to Western Sahara conflict, which ensures the free expression by the Saharawi people of their will in a self-determination referendum.
Urging the international community to act in favour of "immediately halt" Morocco's looting of Saharawi people's natural resources, calling for the speedy intervention to put an end to Morocco's violations of human rights and open the territory of Western Sahara before international independent observers and journalists.
He, in this respect, hoped that the AU will, as a partner to the UN, work to implement the settlement plan, release of Saharawi political prisoners, pull down Moroccan occupation wall and establish a UN mechanism for the protection, monitoring and report about human rights abuses in occupied Western Sahara.
"The founding fathers and historic symbols of Africa, like the late Nelson Mandela, once said that Africa will not be totally free as long as there are people have yet to enjoy their right to self-determination and independence. Your brotherly Saharawi people are still waiting to enjoy this right," says President Mohamed Abdelaziz in his speech on Friday, during the discussion of the report AU Peace and Security Council.
In relevant context, the Saharawi president hailed the constant attention given by the Commission and Peace and Security Council of the African Union to the question of Western Sahara in the past period, a thing reinforced by the appointment of Joaquim Chissano, former president of Mozambique, as a special representative of the AU in Western Sahara.
Mr. Mohamed Abdelaiz, in this regard, expressed SADR readiness to fully cooperate with Mr. Chissano, hoping he would be able to complete programme of his visits and contacts, ahead of the Commission's report to be presented to the next summit of the Union, scheduled for January next year.
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